person's reproduction
A REPRODUCTION ACCORDING TO YOUR IMAGEPerson’s reproduction by 3D Scan provide really precise results, almost like reality. The final result can be make in different size and materials according to your needs.
Person’s reproduction by 3D Scan provide really precise results, almost like reality. The final result can be make in different size and materials according to your needs.
- Person or object enlargement
- Person or object reduction
- A figurine that looks exactly like someone
- Person or object replication
- A person's scan to include it in a video game
A person’s reproduction have to be really realistic. It is an innovative process use to obtain different results. Your reproductions are realise with our advanced technology and our expert team.
- Person or object enlargement
- Person or object reduction
- A figurine that looks exactly like someone
- Person or object replication
- A person's scan to include it in a video game
A person’s reproduction have to be really realistic. It is an innovative process use to obtain different results. Your reproductions are realise with our advanced technology and our expert team.
High added value product

Fast, easy and simple process

Ability to view the work before manufacturing

Possible alterations on the work even once machined

Flexible degrees of accuracy during machining